Welcome to our Conference

Canadian Obesity Weekend is the annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons (CABPS) and will be held jointly with IFSO North American Chapter. The  joint Virtual Conference will be held on May 5 – 7, 2022.  You can't afford to miss it! 

Conference Presentations

The Conference Presentations are now available and can be viewed here.

Welcome Messages

Message from the President
Stephen A. Glazer, MD, FRCPC, FCCP

Message from the Conference Chair
Sharadh Sampath, MD, FRSCS

2022 Conference Committee

Dr. Sharadh Sampath, MD, FRCPC, Chair
Dr. Laurent Biertho, MD
Ms. Jennifer Brown, MSc., RD
Dr. Vanessa Boudreau, MD, FRCSC 

Dr. Stephen Glazer, MD, FRCPC, FCCP
Dr. David Lau, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Ms. Andrea Millard, MSW, RSW
Dr. Sarah Chapelsky, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Sarah Nutter, BA, MSc., PhD
Dr. Judy Shiau, MD, FRCPC, Dipl. of ABOM
Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam, MD, FRCPC


Distinguished Service Award

The CABPS Distinguished Service Award is given in honour of a bariatrician dedicated to the care of those living with obesity in Canada.  The award recognizes a bariatrician’s outstanding contributions to the practice of Bariatric medicine in patient care, research, and education.  Watch your inbox for details on this year’s recipient!

Winner of the Gamification & Delegate Draw


Dana Dupuis
The Ottawa Hospital
Laurie Ogata
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Christine Trinh
Providence Healthcare

Time to get social! twitter facebook

Join CABPS on social media! Share your experience with us this year during Canadian Obesity Weekend by following CABPS on Twitter @Cabps_obesity and on our Facebook page. We will be posting all that is happening at the conference using the hashtag #CABPS2022. Make sure you include this hashtag in your posts to stay connected!
