Call for Abstracts


Canadian Obesity Weekend is the annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons (CABPS). The Conference will convene on June 26 - 27, 2020, at the Marriott Downtown Toronto Eaton Centre Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. This bariatric conference will include symposia targeting professionals with a strong interest in the treatment of obesity. Through the use of riveting, thought-provoking topics, and dynamic and engaging international and Canadian speakers, this conference is designed to hold your attention and stimulate your mind. You can’t afford to miss it!


The goals of this joint Conference are:


We try to accommodate the majority of abstracts: however, the final decision about the acceptance of and presentation format for individual submissions will be made by the Conference Committee. Submissions are encouraged in all formats.


Oral presentation abstracts can take one of three formats:

  1. Reports: The first format is the traditional meeting abstract with a clear aim, brief description of methods, results and conclusions. This will be focused on a single topic and can be presented by Trainees or Principal Investigators. It is expected that the first author will present the work. These presentations will be given in concurrent sessions with a crosstheme orientation.
  2. Overviews: The second format is designed for Principal Investigators or Senior Trainees and is an overview of the subject of your research focus,
    presenting key findings in broad context. The abstract will be written for broad understanding. These oral presentations will be given in sessions with a cross-theme orientation. Each oral presentation will be 10 minutes followed by a 5 minute discussion period.
  3. Video: The third format is designed for the Principal Investigator or Senior Trainer to upload a video in either .m4v, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg. Your video presentation should run no longer than 5 – 8 minutes.

Abstracts not selected for oral presentations may be considered for poster presentations. If selected, we encourage presentation of work in poster format, an exhibition which will enable discussion with presenters. Poster authors will be asked to stand by their poster during scheduled poster presentation times. These presentations will also be made according to the Conference themes. Abstracts should take the form of traditional meeting abstracts with a clear aim, brief description of methods, results and conclusions. Posters must be set-up at the times specified by conference organizers.


Abstracts must be written in English. The length of the abstracts is a maximum of 250 words in the body of the abstract, excluding title and author(s) names and affiliations.


Please indicate the most appropriate category for your abstract:


Authors will be notified of the abstract review outcome on or before April 15, 2020. Further presentation instructions will be given to authors at that time. It is our intention to accept as many high-quality abstracts as can be accommodated by the venue and schedule.


Abstracts may contain original data or may be previously published. The responsibility for the abstract contents is solely of the author(s). The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission. Abstracts will be considered only if consistent with the above instructions and received by the deadline. Abstract Presenters MUST register for the Conference by the published Early Bird deadline to ensure that the abstract is included in the program. Your abstract will be pulled from the Conference Program, if you fail to register by the early bird deadline.

Presenters are responsible for all expenses related to participating in the conference, including transportation, registration fee, lodging, and meals.


Prizes may be awarded for the best poster in each category: Allied Heath, Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric Medicine, Psychiatry.

Start your Abstract Submission
