Welcome to CABPSThe Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons (CABPS) represents Canadian specialists interested in the treatment of obesity and severe obesity for the purposes of professional development and coordination and promotion of common goals. CABPS WEBINARS
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 | 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. ET
For a complete list of CABPS Webinars, please visit our Webinar Section. NEWS2024 Distinguished Service AwardThe 2024 award recipient is Michael Piccinini Vallis, Ph.D., R. Psych. read more 2024 Dr. David C. W. Lau LectureshipCABPS is honoured to award the inaugural Dr. David C. W. Lau Lectureship to Dr. Johane P. Allard! read more CABPS Distinguished Service AwardWe were delighted to have Dr. Simon Marceau honoring his father Dr Picard Marceau. read more Presentations and Recordings Canadian Obesity Weekend | May 5-7, 2022The Presentations and Recordings are available to Members Only. Click here to access the Library. New Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines Published: Treatment Goals Are Improved Health And Quality Of Life, Not A Number On A ScaleEDMONTON, August 4, 2020-Canadians living with obesity and the healthcare professionals who support them have a new roadmap for quality collaborative care. read more Nouvelles Lignes Directrices Canadiennes De Pratique Clinique Pour L'obésité Chez L'adulteMONTREAL, le 4 août 2020-Les personnes aux prises avec l'obésité et les professionnels de la santé qui les accompagnent peuvent maintenant s'appuyer sur une nouvelle approche pour traiter cette maladie chronique et assurer des soins de qualité aux patients. read more CABPS Statement on RacismThe Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeon (CABPS) shares in the great sadness and the intolerable fact that racism, bigotry, and hatred remain pervasive and rampant. read more Déclaration du CABPS sur le racismeL'Association canadienne des médecins et chirurgiens bariatriques (CABPS) partage la grande tristesse et révolte que le racisme, le fanatisme et la haine restent omniprésents et rampants. read more Travel Awards/GrantsThe Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons (CABPS) will award a minimum of four (4) travel awards/grants annually, two in each category of Physician/Resident (Medicine/Surgery/Psychiatry) and Allied Health. Applicants will apply this grant towards attendance to Canadian Obesity Weekend. read more CABPS Elects New PresidentTORONTO, ON (June 3, 2019) The Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons (CABPS) elected Dr. Stephen Glazer of Humber River Hospital, Toronto, Ontario as its new President at its recent Annual General Meeting. Dr. Glazer was previously the Association's Vice President and Conference Chair. read more |