

  1. Comprendre la prise en charge pré-opératoire des patients avec hernie incisionnelle dans le contexte d'une obésité sévère.
  2. Discuter de la prise en charge de l'anémie post chirurgie bariatrique.
  3. Discuter du bilan et de la prise en charge du RGO réfractaire.


L'inscription est gratuite pour les membres du CABPS



PRÉSENTATIONS (20 minutes chacun)

16h00 - 16h05

Mot de Bienvenue
Stephen Glazer, MD, FRCP(C), FCCP, FAASM
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bio picStephen Glazer, MD, FRCP(C), FCCP, FAASM

Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine
President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons
Medical Director Bariatric Surgical Program, Humber River Regional Hospital
Assistant Professor-Department of Medicine, Queen's University

Dr. Stephen Glazer holds certification in Internal Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine from the University of Toronto in Ontario. He is also certified as a specialist in Sleep Medicine through the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. He has a strong interest in perioperative risk assessment. 

Dr. Glazer is both a provincial and a national leader in Bariatric Medicine. In 2010, Dr. Glazer became the Medical Director for both the Bariatric Surgical and Medical Program at Humber River Hospital, a dedicated center of excellence for the management of Obesity in Ontario. He is an active board member of the Ontario Bariatric Network, sitting on numerous subcommittees, including being the Vice-Chair of the OBN Medical Program Task Force. He is involved in establishing the standards of care for patients in Ontario participating in both surgical and medical approaches for weight loss. In 2012, he was among one of the first Canadian physicians who successfully completed the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM) Certification examination and is a diplomat of the ABOM. 

In 2019, Dr. Glazer became the President of the  Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons (CABPS), an national organization representing  Canadian specialists interested in the treatment of obesity for the purposes of  maintenance and improvement for the standards of Bariatric care in Canada, supporting both primary and continuing educational programs, knowledge, research and developing policies and new ideas in the areas of clinical care, education, and research in Bariatric Medicine and Surgery. 

Dr. Glazer participates in multiple clinical research projects and publications. He is the author of the Pre-Operative Management for Bariatric Surgery chapter for the 2020 Canadian Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. His greatest enjoyment is teaching and interreacting with other health care providers via lecturing at conferences or other educational venues. His enthusiasm and passion for the field of Obesity Medicine and the care of patients living with obesity is blatantly obvious and he hopes infectious to others. 

16h05 - 17h25

Un cas de hernie incisionnelle
Dr. Laurent Biertho, MD
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bio picDr. Laurent Biertho, MD

Université Laval, Département de Chirurgie
Institut de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval

Anémie post RYGB - bilan et prise en charge
Mme Marili Daigle, IPSS
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bio picMme Marili Daigle, IPSS

IPSS-A en chirurgie bariatrique, IUCPQ

Reflux complexe post opératoire


Dr François Julien, MD, FRCS(C)
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bio picDr François Julien, MD, FRCS(C)

Chirurgien général et bariatrique, IUCPQ
Intérêt en physiologie oesophagienne/manométrie


Dr. Simon Marceau, MD, FRCP(C)
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bio picChirurgien général et bariatrique, IUCPQ
Chef du service de chirurgie générale et bariatrique IUCPQ

Dr Alexandre Bougie, MD, FRCS(C)
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bio picDr Alexandre Bougie, MD, FRCS(C)

Chirurgie bariatrique et digestive
Hôpital Pierre-Boucher CISSS Montérégie-Est
Chargé d'enseignement de clinique Université de Montréal

Dr. François-Charles Malo, MD, FRCS(C)
Expand Speaker Bio +/-

bio picDr. François-Charles Malo, MD, FRCS(C)

Chirurgien général et bariatrique au CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS
Directeur de la recherche du programme de chirurgie générale de l'Université de Sherbrooke
Professeur adjoint de la faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l'Université de Sherbrooke


Dr Laurent Biertho, MD
Dr François Julien, MD, FRCS(C)

17h25 - 17h30

Mot de la fin
Stephen Glazer, MD, FRCP(C), FCCP, FAASM

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Cet événement est une activité accréditée (Section 1) tel que défini par le programme de maintient de la certification du Collège Royal des Médecins et des Chirurgiens du Canada.